(blogging from a tiny kitchen)

Friday, December 18, 2009

What I Bought at Wheatsville

The rundown:

1.95 All purpose flour (2.47 lbs)
1.99 Half and half (1 pint)
1.98 Yogurt (2)
1.33 Bananas
3.71 Chocolate chips (.93 lbs)
1.47 Coconut date rolls
1.16 Green lentils (.73 lbs)
1.47 Apples (2)
.87 Russet potatoes (2)

Spent $15.93
Left $19.66 (including $5.59 left from last week)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Laura! I'm updating the contact list for food bloggers in Austin and I'd love to add your e-mail if you'd be willing to share it. If so, shoot me a note at abroyles AT statesman DOT com.



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